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V I R T U A L   O F F E R S

V I R T U A L   O F F E R S

Reiki à distance Québec
Reiki avec Andy L.
Reiki à distance avec Andy L.
Reiki à distance

Offer yourself a restful and total self-care moment with an energetic Reiki healing session. Reiki is a healing energy hands-on Japanese technique that knows no time nor space. That is why it is so very powerful, even at a distance.


Reiki is known to soothe stress and anxiety, ease and relaxe the different energetic layers of the body, induce a restorative sleep, untie energetic and physical knots and so much more!

WHEN? : Book your Reiki energetic healing treatment by email rigt now at


WHERE? : The session will happen via video call while you stay in the comfort of your living space.


HOW LONG? : The total treatment, including an introdution, the treatment and a conclusion lasts about 1 hour.


HOW MUCH? :  35$ for the first session and 30$ pour ones that follow.


** Click here to learn more about Reiki **

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